Virtually everything is different in some way, and if it is currently the same it will likely be changed through balancing in the future. Regards TL forumees and thank you for your time! So, I present to you this wonderful mod and I hope you enjoy it! If you don't please tell me what ruins it for you so I can try to fix that. It's at what I like to think is a half decent - playable state, but I think many heads would be better than just me and my homies thinking of balance changes. I've played through this mod a few hundred times at least balancing and trying to make the feel of early/mid/late game to be satisfying. I essentially want to try to take this mod to a place where it can been fairly balanced and enjoyable to come back to and less of a waste of time. Only things left unchanged (so far) is health and weapon damages I've seen it done few times before through arcade and other mods but I've never been satisfied with the experience so I decided to just do it myself. Title pretty much sums it up, all units re-scaled to lore.